Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? For this year’s Capital Region #CANstruction, McLaren’s Albany office teamed up with Hyman Hayes Associates and turned 3,737 cans into “SpongeBob CANpants,” sitting on a crabby patty next to his pineapple house.
CANstruction is an annual exhibit and design competition that connects talented architects, engineers, contractors, and students to imagine and create colossal structures built completely out of canned food items. SpongeBob CANpants will be on display at the New York State Museum in Albany until March 18th, then all the canned goods will be donated to 56 local food pantries. There is still time to donate canned goods and help pick a winner – so if fighting local hunger is something you wish, then stop by our structure and donate a dish. Do you see the secret formula?