With a handful of new high-rise projects, we are taking cities like Tampa, Kansas City, and Nashville to new heights!
Our experts in high-rise structural design understand the focus often shifts from safety to serviceability performance when engineering buildings 20+ stories. While these towers are designed to withstand extreme loads and rarely experience failures, they are more prone to excessive movement which potentially impact inhabitants and building systems.

With tall buildings, wind-induced vibrations and lateral drift caused by gusts and fluctuating wind patterns can lead to discomfort for occupants and result in detrimental effects on building systems. To address these challenges, we employ 3-D finite element modeling techniques to help analyze building performance and accurately predict wind-induced movements and vibrations. To assess a building’s response to wind loads, we consider factors like its shape, height, and location. We work in our digital analysis environment to predict likely wind scenarios the building might encounter during it’s lifespan and use the behavior we observe in the modeling environment to propose economical lateral stability systems that minimize the risk to these building systems and occupant discomfort.