The newest production at the MGM Cotai Theater, “MGM 2049,” is a groundbreaking sci-fi experience that merges cutting-edge technology with the rich heritage of traditional Chinese culture. Directed by the renowned Zhang Yimou, this visionary show offers a glimpse into a future where innovation and tradition come together to captivate audiences.
At the center of this spectacle is the MGM Cotai Theater’s iconic 4K LED video wall—the largest and most adaptable in the world. This state-of-the-art screen redefines immersive storytelling, wrapping audiences in a visual masterpiece that elevates the narrative to new heights.
Designed by our Entertainment Engineering team, the 200-foot-wide LED wall envelops nearly half the theater, showcasing dynamic capabilities like Proscenium and Immersion modes. These allow seamless transitions from classic stage setups to fully immersive environments, amplifying the show’s impact. With synchronized moving panels, precision automated actuators, and an impressively narrow 2mm gap, the design delivers a flawless visual experience.