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A leading full-service engineering firm renowned for our trusted, high quality, and innovative approach to solving complex challenges.
January 30, 2018
Press Release

McLaren Engineering Group Completes Design Work on New $9.7M Long Island Rail Road Bridge in Westbury, NY

Design-build project replaces 103-year-old structure, increases vertical clearance and width of Post Avenue Railroad Bridge to prevent accidents and increase efficiency

WESTBURY, N.Y., January 3, 2018 – McLaren Engineering Group is proud to announce the completion of its design work on a new $9.7M railroad bridge, used by the main line of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), spanning Post Avenue in Westbury, NY. The new bridge replaces a 103-year-old structure and is 13 feet wider and two feet higher than the original.

McLaren, in association with Halmar International, began work on the design of the new Post Avenue Bridge in January 2017. The goal was to provide an economical design with the least amount of impact to the community. McLaren’s design replaced the existing tracks, increased vertical clearance, strengthened existing abutments, raised existing station platforms and replaced the existing stairs from the parking lot to the platform.

To minimize traffic and rail disruptions, McLaren assembled the bridge superstructure on temporary shoring towers in the parking lot of the adjacent Westbury train station. Once assembled, the team of engineers used a 48-hour weekend track outage to remove the existing bridge superstructure and roll the new superstructure into position using self-propelled modular transporters. The bridge superstructure was literally “driven” down the street and placed into position.

“We are proud to have completed this project ahead of schedule and within budget for the local government and LIRR,” says Malcolm G. McLaren, president and CEO, McLaren Engineering Group. “Our team uses applied ingenuity to provide innovative engineering solutions that minimize disruptions and increase safety for transportation infrastructure projects across the NY metro.”

The new bridge was designed thirteen feet wider to allow for the addition of a third track that will increase the flow of train traffic on the Long Island Rail Road mainline. It is part of New York State’s initiative to upgrade the LIRR to keep up with increased rider demand and update century-old infrastructure.

“After 70 years of stagnation, New York is regaining its building spirit and transforming the LIRR into the 21st century commuter rail that Long Island deserves,” says Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. “By rebuilding the Post Avenue Bridge and paving the way for the historic Third Track project, we are showing that it’s possible to upgrade the LIRR on time, on budget, and with community input at every step of the way. While others talk about infrastructure, New York is getting it done.”

Construction is expected to be complete on the site in early Spring 2018 once final adjustments are made on the platforms and stairs, as well as painting and sealing work.

About McLaren Engineering Group

For over 40 years, McLaren Engineering Group has provided innovative, customized engineering solutions for more than 15,000 projects. With over 200 employees in 10 offices, McLaren is licensed in 49 states and serves 10 key markets. With experts in numerous engineering disciplines – and a passion for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking – McLaren can address any project’s specific range of design requirements with technical excellence. Headquartered in West Nyack, NY, McLaren has offices in New York City, NY; Albany, NY; Lehigh Valley, PA; Middletown, CT; Baltimore, MD; Roswell, GA; Orlando, FL; and San Luis Obispo, CA.