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A leading full-service engineering firm renowned for our trusted, high quality, and innovative approach to solving complex challenges.

2440 Fulton Street Construction Engineering

Construction Above LIRR Tunnel

The 2440 Fulton Street project, completed in collaboration with contractor Barone Steel Fabricators, presented unique design and construction challenges due to an existing Long Island Railroad (LIRR) tunnel framing directly under the center of the new structure. The location of the existing tunnel warranted intricate coordination between McLaren Engineering Group, the Design Team, and the Contractor during development of crane plans, erection sequencing/logistics, and shoring solutions for temporary conditions during construction.

Due to the location of the tunnel, the building is essentially split into two sides – an “East” side and a “West” side. The two sides are connected to one another via a large ‘A-Frame’ girder/bracing system designed by the Engineer of Record (EOR) to span over top of the existing tunnel and connect to supporting columns and footings on either side, thereby avoiding loading or influencing the underground structure in its final condition.

Tunnel Loading Avoidance During Steel Erection

Similarly, McLaren was engaged to provide Construction Engineering services to ensure the underground tunnel was not loaded during steel erection. Working closely with Barone to implement a phased installation, McLaren provided a series of crane plans developed in conjunction with an erection sequencing and logistics plan to ensure global stability of the structure while working from one side of the building to the other.

Crane Plans

The phased approach required a series of three crane plans issued by McLaren – one for erection of the “East” side steel, one for erection of a bulk of the “West” side steel, and finally a smaller crane for erection of remaining (‘leave-out’) steel on the West side of the building. Though not operating simultaneously, all crane plans were developed to work in conjunction with one another while meeting the tight site constraints and challenging logistics presented by the existing tunnel.

One of our construction engineers gives a more detailed explanation of McLaren’s crane plans and erection sequencing work, in the video below.

Erection Sequencing

Included alongside the crane plan development was a review of the building erection sequencing to ensure global stability was maintained despite the erection of one side of the structure before proceeding to the other. McLaren’s scope included a review of crane operations to ensure the crane(s) didn’t “box themselves in” during erection and confirm that a majority of steel could be erected from within the building footprint. Where required, temporary erection bracing was designed to maintain stability of the structure until it was self-supporting.

2440 Fulton Street Temporary Shoring DrawingTemporary Shoring

McLaren’s final contribution to the project included the design of a temporary shoring system to support the A-Frame girders during construction. While stable in their final condition, the girders were not self-supporting until fully erected. Working alongside the Design Team and Contractor to meet design intent/specifications and accommodate erection means and methods, McLaren successfully designed a temporary shoring system to stabilize the A-Frames during erection and allow for unloading and removal upon completion of the A-Frame construction.

For a more detailed insight watch one of our construction engineers explain McLaren’s temporary shoring work in the video below.

Success Through Collaboration

Developed in public-private partnership with City Agencies and Leser Group, the new development is part of the “CARE” strategy, “City Agencies Revitalizing the Economy” initiative. 2440 Fulton has been designed to bring best-in-class commercial space that will host more than 1,100 employees from DSS’ Human Resources Administration (HRA), along with commercial space in the heart of East New York.

Adapting dynamically to various challenges, McLaren successfully contributed to the completion of this Brooklyn mixed-use 7-story structure. The project showcased our construction engineering team’s expertise in addressing complex logistical and structural issues, resulting in a safe and well-executed construction process.

The completed project stands as a testament to effective collaboration, innovative design, and adaptive problem-solving in the face of intricate construction challenges.

2440 Fulton Street Construction Rendering

2440 Fulton Street Construction Rendering
image credit: Lifang

Brooklyn, NY
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Barone Steel Fabricators