To support the renovation of Arlington Elementary School, a primary facility in Baltimore City Public School’s Northwest Baltimore area, McLaren Engineering Group conducted a condition assessment and provided repair recommendations for the deteriorating historic masonry facade. The assessment focused on identifying safety and serviceability issues.
McLaren performed a condition assessment of the historic facade to determine the extent and severity of the deterioration of the exterior masonry wall, including the lintels over the window and door frames. Our facade team prepared a narrative describing the findings of the structural analysis. The report included a summary description of the existing conditions with photos and recommendations for structural remediation.
Repairs to the elementary school’s historic facade were completed, and the school reopened for the 2019-2020 school year.
The new Arlington Elementary School is flexible and adaptive, inspiring social interaction and supporting diverse learning and teaching styles. The school building is at the cutting edge of technology and environmental sustainability and serves as the hub of the community.