McLaren Engineering Group was retained to provide structural engineering and design services on a new, 79-foot-high primary rock crushing station for Tilcon in Valley Cottage, NY. The facility includes a control room and a 50-foot-long haul bridge that extends from the top of the crushing tower to a landside abutment. McLaren’s structural design included support for the crusher machine, its drive and lube components, the rock breaker and other mechanical components.
McLaren’s role was to execute the structural design work on Tilcon’s rock crushing station and prepare construction documents for the superstructures and foundations. McLaren performed design work in two phases, beginning with schematic design and alternatives analysis, and ending with supplemental construction documents. Specific components designed by McLaren included the spread footing foundations, support brackets, upper and lower hoppers, and supports for the mechanical equipment.
McLaren also provided structural reinforcing design and seismic design on the project.